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Phrasal Verbs I

Apprendre une langue rapidement

A phrasal verb is a combination of two or more words, usually a verb and preposition, which acts as one word. The meaning of the phrasal verb is different to the meaning of the words when separated. For example, to "get away" means to go on holiday, which is different from the meaning of the word "get"on its own. Phrasal verbs are common in both spoken and written English, so we should practise them as often as possible. This lesson focuses on phrasal verbs using the verb get.  

A phrasal verb is a combination of two or more words, usually a verb and preposition, which acts as one word. The meaning of the phrasal verb is different to the meaning of the words when separated. For example, to "get away" means to go on holiday, which is different from the meaning of the word "get"on its own. Phrasal verbs are common in both spoken and written English, so we should practise them as often as possible. This lesson focuses on phrasal verbs using the verb get.