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Phrasal Verbs II

Apprendre une langue rapidement

Here is another opportunity for you to practise using phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs with 'put' are extremely common and here are just a few of them. Try to create new sentences with the  phrasal verbs you can find in this PDF, just like the examples shown there. You also can find the meanings of the phrasal verbs to help you decide. Don't put it off until tomorrow! Do this lesson now!


Here is another opportunity for you to practise using phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs with 'put' are extremely common and here are just a few of them. Try to create new sentences with the  phrasal verbs you can find in this PDF, just like the examples shown there. You also can find the meanings of the phrasal verbs to help you decide. Don't put it off until tomorrow! Do this lesson now!