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Apprendre une langue rapidement

Do you know the name of your favorite vegetable in English? In this fun PDF we will learn the names of several popular vegetables in the English language. The following list is for various kinds of vegetables in English. You’ll find that some of these words can be a bit tricky to learn as they are very different from French. However, some are very similar, such as the words for carrot (la carotte) . Pay close attention to the masculine/feminine genders of these words as they are easy to confuse!


Do you know the name of your favorite vegetable in English? In this fun PDF we will learn the names of several popular vegetables in the English language. The following list is for various kinds of vegetables in English. You’ll find that some of these words can be a bit tricky to learn as they are very different from French. However, some are very similar, such as the words for carrot (la carotte) . Pay close attention to the masculine/feminine genders of these words as they are easy to confuse!